Nintendo's Wii outsold the Xbox 360 by nearly three to one last month. While Microsoft managed to shift a fair few of the boxes it was just not enough to stop punters taking the Wii. According to research outfit NPD, Nintendo shipped 2.04 million Wii's in comparison to the Xbox's 836,000. Sony's PS3 shipped 378,000 units, better than a poke in the eye with a short stick, but jolly disappointing. A breathless Vole told us last week that sales of the Xbox had increased by 25 per cent in comparison to last year and it was pretty sure it had beaten the Paystation 3 by three to one. Its sales, it said were spurred by the recent release of hot-selling games like Gears Of War 2, Fable II, and Lips. The small matter of the fact it slashed its console by nearly a third and enabled it to start streaming HD movies might have helped a bit too.
( www.theinquirer.net )
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