The Tectoy announced in this the fourth (12) launching of a videogame 100% Brazilian, who must arrive officially at the market in July of 2009. The Zeebo will be manufactured in Manaus, has forecast of price of R$ 599, will come folloied of a control and six games in the memory: “Fifa”, “Brain challenge”, Super action hero”, “evil Prey”, “Need will be speed” and “Quake”. The videogame goes gratuitously to connect to a proper net (ZeeboNet) through connections 3G or Edge (of cellular telephony), and from now on the player will be able to buy the games, that will be transferred by download. Before, however, she is necessary if to register in cadastre and to buy the virtual currency (Z-Credits) - either for banking billet, credit card, banking debit or daily pay-paid cards. The credits will be deducted of it register in cadastre as the user to buy the games.
( br.babelfish.yahoo.com )
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